Friday, October 29, 2010

Wichita Kansas

October 28 Arrived at Annie and Rod's Thursday about 2 pm.  Set the camper up in their front yard.  Rodney was working on the house on his day off so we visited with him while Annie was at work then went on Dinner ride with GWWR riders riding in a cage with Annie(her shoulder is still healing). Friday found us relaxing with Annie (her day off) Belguin Waffles for breakfast then a little shopping looking for melamac coffee cups and storage units for the camper after her appointment with the therapist.
 October 29 Friday evening Halloween party with friends, Steve, Terry, Ann, Rod, Dennis,Lin,Ruth,Marty,Chad, Megan,and some other really nice folks( to many names to remember)
October 30 Saturday was a day to garage sale finding odds and ends here and there. Supper with Jerry and Tammy, Terry and the boys at Annie's. Sweet potato and chicken stew Yummy.  Jerry's favorite! Gathered around the fire ring in the back yard since it was a might chilly. :) Enjoyed a nice visit with everyone.
October 31 Sunday was Halloween. Visited Henry at home where he has been very busy siding, painting and fixing up his home.  Looks so good then on to the flea market on Pawnee and back to Jerry's where he has his hands full. Roofing his home including changing the pitch and repairing old mistakes by others. Lacey, Paul, Hannah, Hayleigh and Angel met us there. Was so good to see them again. Made plans to meet back (with Terry, Will and the boys) at Annie's for pizza and trick or treating.  Enjoyed a short walk around with kids in the neighborhood trick treating. Ann's got a great neighborhood for it. Everyone seemed to participate.
November 1 Monday, took lunch (beef and vegetable soup)  to Jerry and Henry as they continued to work on the roof. Wow what a job!!  Got me a coat at Walmart, boy it got cold up here.  Back to fix Chicken and noodles (not so good) not enough time for the slow cooker, tried to hurry them on the stove top so boiled away all the broth and burnt the bottom a little. A little like starting all over cooking a a camper. :)  We ate them anyway finished with a few pears then played Wi,  That is so much fun.  Bowling, Cow races, and Target practice.
November 2 Tuesday, Visited Gail and John, made arrangements to move the camper to their driveway. Back to Annie's for chicken fried steak, mashed taters, gravy and glazed carrots. Played with the Wii again after talking the fitness test and discovering I'm only 42 :) based on my BMI tests etc. Played more games, skiing, hula hoop,skating,tennis and a few more
November 3 Wednesday morning met Henry for breakfast at Jimmys Egg with Annie. Just a last minute get together before the move to Haysville.

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