Friday, November 5, 2010

Haysville Kansas

November 3 Wednesday, moved the camper to Gail and John's driveway.Rachael was here with Bentley so got to play with him 4 months old and 8.5 #  still so tiny and so good. Never crys, smiles and a doll all way round. Kelly came by to see her grandson too. Carol,Sonda, Peggy, Kristen, Bryan, Kim,Josiah,Paul and his son joined us too for potato soup lunch. Bonfire and steaks supper for us, Gail, John, Peggee and Keith.  So good cooked over an open fire. Enjoyed sitting by the fire visiting for awhile afterwards.

November 4 Thursday,Bryan, Allan,2 boys, Peggee, Kristen,Kelly, Rachael, Bentley,Carol joined us for lunch Kim brought out fixings for taco salad and chicken and noodles for supper.  Went to estate sale up near Douglas and Rock Road. Lots of stuff but didn't buy anything 6 of us rode in John's truck.  Didn't have supper, Gail needed to get some sleep didn't want to wake her..  Noodles for lunch tomorrow Keith was ill so couldn't join us for supper that evening. Peggee took some noodles home to him.

November 5 Friday,Rested in the am waiting for Gail to get off work and finish shopping for baby shower on Saturday.  Leroy, Sammy came by for awhile this afternoon, Jerry surprised us with a visit. Danny and I made a trip to Aldi's for hotdogs to have a bonfire and cook out this evening. Jerry came back out and Henry joined us. Keith, Peggee, Carol,Kim, Josiah,Uncle John,Sonda,me, Danny,Kirk, Wanda, Mia, Karla, John and Gail.  Carol brought me a bed buddy to keep warm, Gail loaned me some tights and 2 blankets to wrap up in. boy it turned off cold up here!!

November 6 Saturday, made a trip to Petco for dog food and more garage sales with Gail. Gathered with all the girls t visit before the baby shower for Blake's baby  Jasper.  Held Bentley for a long while such a sweet baby. Danny gave Precious a bath and I gave Misty a bath while everyone was gone and caught up on a little reading. Was hoping Holly's would make it by to see me.  Danny made a beef stew. Chris, Kyle, Cody,Kylie, Bruce, Eric, Peggee, Keith, Carol,all joined us for supper. Cody played the guitar and sang for us. He sure inherited grandma's music talent. Chris brought some chicken burritos, fudge crackers and peanut butter fudge Yum!

November 7 Sunday Henry and Paul dropped by on their way to the Toy Run bringing us some of Henry's famous beef stew. Called Holly and Jean asking for visits.  Jean and Ed made it by to see us for awhile in the afternoon.  Bruce came be for a little bit. Peggy, Keith, Carol and Kristen were here and we went to Kristen to see her home and dog Gracie. Carol's friend Sherry was able to come for awhile. Stuffed Potatoes and Chile on the menu for supper.

November 8 Monday, Peggee joined us for breakfast with Gail and John, Biscuits, Gravy and Taters. Went to Walmart for $1 shirts. Ate hot dogs for lunch then walk at the park. Visited Peggee's home to see Max and Sadie. Keith took us all at to supper at a fish restaurant that just opened in Haysville, Peggee baked pumpkin and apple pies for dessert.

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