Sunday, November 28, 2010

Anastasia State Park St Augustine FL

Sunday  November 28  We drove 50 miles to the next destination (we now have phone and internet service) After setting we walked to the beach and checked out the gift shop getting ice cream bars yummy.  The sand here is not as white but still so pretty and enjoyed our walk listening to the sound and watching the surf. Campground is so cool we paid for another night right away. $30 a night but these sites are so cool Palm trees and private close to the beach, clean even if they are dirt surface.  Made a trip to town to see the Christmas lights.  Wow 2,000,000 tiny white lights I believe it.
Monday November 29  Busy day, after breakfast and taking care of the puppies we headed for a day of sightseeing, First the Lighthouse, quite a site and not far from the campgrounds on to town to the CROSS and cemetary. By the time we had finished with that tour I was so Cold we headed out for Kmart to get some long pants and long sleeve shirt, Much better then decided we would check out the trolley train tours.  That's the way to go. $20 each and we can do the tour get free parking and rides for 3 days.  Old town was really neat to walk around in, had lunch at Cruisin,  great burgers. Prices were not to bad. Wish I had waited to get my pants and shirts, cheaper and logo.  Headed home at 4 to take care of the puppies planning on a return trip tonight for light tour but Danny drank just a little to much wine.  Tomorrow's another day. (Reserved another day but had to move to another site, this one is already booked for the next week)
Tuesday Checked out the Alligator Farm.  Kind of neat, albino alligator, lots of babies and some large ones, tropical birds and snakes.Then back to the campground to pack up and move to Site # 48, not as many people here farther away from beach access.  Venturing to town. Back on the trolley train for trip to San Sebastian Winery for wine tasting and tour.  Liked the Rose (Florida Muscadines) then on to the Fort for a little site seeing, Danny's foot was really hurting today so made short day of it.

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