Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Melton Hill Dam Knoxville TN

Tuesday night before we left had a great visit from Rhonda, Lindsey and Megan to tell us good by then received a phone call from Jessica to say bye and be careful. Wednesday morning went by Jeff's to borrow Megan's TV and sweater for Misty and tell Jeff bye. Left Fort Mill SC on Wednesday October 6th, 2010 traveling up I77 though Asheville NC onto I40 to the other side of Knoxsville TN stoppng at the Melton Hill Dam campgrounds ( a TVA campground just north of I40).  Misty slept all the way with Precious crying most of the way.  Went on a little adventure courtesy of the Tom Tom. Turned us off the Hwy just a little to quick got to see the country via a one lane road coming in the back side of the campgrounds.  Just 500 feet down the road was the official entry point. LOL
Stayed 2 days, couldn't book anything in Nashville on Friday or Saturday nights so stayed an extra 2 nights. $10 a night using Access Pass approved by Tenneessee Valley Authority.  Was a nice campground, some waterfront sites, ours was back in the woods but private and level. Met some folks from Knoxville out camping for the weekend just 15 minutes from home.  The campground hosts was really nice and helpful.  Went to Radio Shack for remote control and Walmart for more supplies.
Danny really enjoyed sitting outside and watching the squirrels and chipmunks at this campground.
Me bored yes!
October 6th,7th,8th, 9th Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat

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