Friday, October 29, 2010

Wichita Kansas

October 28 Arrived at Annie and Rod's Thursday about 2 pm.  Set the camper up in their front yard.  Rodney was working on the house on his day off so we visited with him while Annie was at work then went on Dinner ride with GWWR riders riding in a cage with Annie(her shoulder is still healing). Friday found us relaxing with Annie (her day off) Belguin Waffles for breakfast then a little shopping looking for melamac coffee cups and storage units for the camper after her appointment with the therapist.
 October 29 Friday evening Halloween party with friends, Steve, Terry, Ann, Rod, Dennis,Lin,Ruth,Marty,Chad, Megan,and some other really nice folks( to many names to remember)
October 30 Saturday was a day to garage sale finding odds and ends here and there. Supper with Jerry and Tammy, Terry and the boys at Annie's. Sweet potato and chicken stew Yummy.  Jerry's favorite! Gathered around the fire ring in the back yard since it was a might chilly. :) Enjoyed a nice visit with everyone.
October 31 Sunday was Halloween. Visited Henry at home where he has been very busy siding, painting and fixing up his home.  Looks so good then on to the flea market on Pawnee and back to Jerry's where he has his hands full. Roofing his home including changing the pitch and repairing old mistakes by others. Lacey, Paul, Hannah, Hayleigh and Angel met us there. Was so good to see them again. Made plans to meet back (with Terry, Will and the boys) at Annie's for pizza and trick or treating.  Enjoyed a short walk around with kids in the neighborhood trick treating. Ann's got a great neighborhood for it. Everyone seemed to participate.
November 1 Monday, took lunch (beef and vegetable soup)  to Jerry and Henry as they continued to work on the roof. Wow what a job!!  Got me a coat at Walmart, boy it got cold up here.  Back to fix Chicken and noodles (not so good) not enough time for the slow cooker, tried to hurry them on the stove top so boiled away all the broth and burnt the bottom a little. A little like starting all over cooking a a camper. :)  We ate them anyway finished with a few pears then played Wi,  That is so much fun.  Bowling, Cow races, and Target practice.
November 2 Tuesday, Visited Gail and John, made arrangements to move the camper to their driveway. Back to Annie's for chicken fried steak, mashed taters, gravy and glazed carrots. Played with the Wii again after talking the fitness test and discovering I'm only 42 :) based on my BMI tests etc. Played more games, skiing, hula hoop,skating,tennis and a few more
November 3 Wednesday morning met Henry for breakfast at Jimmys Egg with Annie. Just a last minute get together before the move to Haysville.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Borders Casino Seneca Missouri

Wednesday  Oct 27 afternoon checked out the Borders Casino receiving $10 each free play spent a couple of hours losing it :) They have nice free camping too plus inexpensive restaurant on site. Not as nice as Downstream but more affordable overall and slots seem looser. Leaving there went to Outpost Borders just up the road for more free play plus birthday money $25 total to lose trying to win. Took me awhile since I only used a few dollars in each machine. Danny blew his whole wad $10 in one machine. Then back home (Downstream campground) for chicken and noodles that had been cooking all day in crockpot. Yummy!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Downstream Casino in Oklahoma

October 26 Left Mountain Home Arkansas at 10 am on Tuesday arriving at the Casino about 3pm. Nice day traveling, clear and cool. Went through Cotter and Yellsville on to Branson, Springfield, Didn't turn the GPS on till Yellsville, (Danny thought he knew the way :)  So we took the scenic route again :) Spent the rest of the afternoon and evening in the casino. It is really nice 2000 slot machines and today was October Birthday Bash so got free candy,cake and coffee and chance to win a spin on the birthday wheel.  We won a little and lost a little enjoyed playing for a long time without losing a lot of money. :)  We are parked in their RV Park for nothing and can stay here 3 nights if we want.  We may check out some sites in the area tomorrow.
October 27 Wednesday evening spent a few more hours in the Downstream casino losing :(  It's gonna get cold tonight supposed to be 31. Burrrrrrr

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Norfork and Mountain Home Arkansas

October 19 Left Lake Wappapello on Tuesday morning traveling to Norfork, stopping at Welcome Center after crossing into Arkansas, Using Tom Tom most of the way until we got close then Danny decided to use Hwy 62 traveling through Mt Home and back to Norfork. Gotta go through Mt Home to get to Norfork :).  October 20  Spent Wednesday (My birthday) at Mountain View enjoying lunch at Jo Jo's Fish House with my aunt Abitha and uncle Clyde Dye visiting some antique shops and enjoying the scenery coming and going.
October 21 Thursday we visited Uncle Shorty and Aunt Ella Fay in Gasville. Enjoyed visiting with them then back to Abithas to pick up the guys then we all went to Walmart in Mt Home.
 October 22 Friday laundry in the morning and Danny drove me to Mountain Home (didn't trust me with the truck) to spend the afternoon with my mom and back to Walmart and Dollar Tree. 
October 23Saturday afternoon Shorty, Ella Faye and Harold came to visit us at Abitha's. We walked each day down the paved road at Abitha's encouraging Clyde and Abitha to join us.  Enjoyed lots of country cooking and visiting at Abithas. Robert stopped by daily to say howdy.
October 24 Sunday I spent the afternoon with my mom and aunts in Arkana while Danny moved the camper to a campsite at the Norfork dam.  Really pretty sitting here below the Norfork Dam on the White River. The fish are biting just not for those of us who don't have a pole in the water :).
Oct 25 Monday Enjoyed a huge breakfast this morning with the fresh eggs Bernita gave me yesterday then ended the day with fresh fish her son had caught "yummo" Last visit with Abitha this trip, doing a little last minute laundry. 
Called the kids to ask another favor.  Please send my medicine, don't think I'll be home anytime soon!!
Tomorrow Oklahoma!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Camping at Lake Wappapello

Leaving Canal Campgrounds at 11 this morning traveling up I24 to Paducha KY then taking Hwy 60 to Lake Wappapello in MO.  Crossing the 2 bridges over the Mississippi was awesome. Both old bridges really long and the second one was amazing with a high arch. The river was busy with lots of tugboat traffic, stopping at the Historical park just this side of the bridge for lunch and stretch break. Tom Tom did pretty good today if it wasn't for our doubting we would have saved 40 miles :). Found several campsites available when we reached the campground. Close to the marina and a view of the lake through the trees. These are great motorcycle roads making Danny wish he had the Harley.
October  17th,18th

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Canal Campgrounds Grand Rivers KY

Tuesday October 12 Next stop Canal Campgrounds located in the Land between the Lakes near Paducah KY.  No reservations took a chance on walk in.  Lucky got a site in the primitive area. Rough terraine but site 17 had been redone last winter.  Very large acorns sounded like bombs land ing on the roof.  Tom Tom again took us the wrong way but got turned around and asked the nice folks at the local IGA just a few miles down the road to the campground.  Here for 4 days.
Played tourist in Grand Rivers on Wednesday.Oct 13  Checked out Patti's 1880 Settlement enjoying Mile High Pie (coconut) and a cup of coffee. Shops, restaurants, landscaped walkways, water wheels.
Good day!!!!!!!
Thursday October 14 went to Paducah for a few hours, visited 4 Rivers Harley Davidson then went to the River Wall seeing all the murals, eating lunch at Kirchhoff's Bakery and Deli, Really good bread cranberry walnut with roasted turkey and swiss cheese yum. Danny had Foccacia bread with grilled chicken roasted red pepper, tomatoes,provolone and artichoke spread. then on to the Quilt museum seeing familiar patterns brought back some good memories, wedding ring, flower pot, star reminded me of quilts my grandma used to make. Then to Walmart for more supplies
Finished out the day with a meal at Catfish Kitchen and a visit round the campfire with our neighbors across the road. Great folks from Henderson Illinois just up the road  Camping with their daughter and husband( he was disabled with heart problems too)  They shared peach cobbler from their dutch oven over the fire.
Great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, October 15 laundry, bathe dogs, boring again!!  Had to book another day here to have a chance to get a site in Poplar Bluff on Sunday. Danny didn't want reservations in case he decided not to go there. :(
Saturday, October 16 Danny gased up the truck for travel tomorrow, walked around the campground and built a fire in the fire ring.

Cages Bend Campground Nashville TN

Traveling on down I40 towards Nashville then North to Gallatin.  Tucked away on Cumberland River we stayed on Site #4.  Tom Tom had us wondering again but eventually made it to the campground.  Lake view from the campsite. Met some folks from the Lake area of Kentucky and gathered information for our next stop. Joined them for a evening around their campfire.  One couple was headed for Ocala Florida campgrounds for winter, another to Texas and the other staying in Gallatin where they worked for a builder.  Walked the area and did the laundry in this campgrounds.  Made a trip to Nashville to Camping World for electric adapter, stove topper then on to Dollar Store for candy and more. Picked up some bread and beer at Kroger. Grand Old Oprey Hotel was closed for renovation so didn't do anything fun on this stop either.
October 10, 11  Sunday and Monday

Melton Hill Dam Knoxville TN

Tuesday night before we left had a great visit from Rhonda, Lindsey and Megan to tell us good by then received a phone call from Jessica to say bye and be careful. Wednesday morning went by Jeff's to borrow Megan's TV and sweater for Misty and tell Jeff bye. Left Fort Mill SC on Wednesday October 6th, 2010 traveling up I77 though Asheville NC onto I40 to the other side of Knoxsville TN stoppng at the Melton Hill Dam campgrounds ( a TVA campground just north of I40).  Misty slept all the way with Precious crying most of the way.  Went on a little adventure courtesy of the Tom Tom. Turned us off the Hwy just a little to quick got to see the country via a one lane road coming in the back side of the campgrounds.  Just 500 feet down the road was the official entry point. LOL
Stayed 2 days, couldn't book anything in Nashville on Friday or Saturday nights so stayed an extra 2 nights. $10 a night using Access Pass approved by Tenneessee Valley Authority.  Was a nice campground, some waterfront sites, ours was back in the woods but private and level. Met some folks from Knoxville out camping for the weekend just 15 minutes from home.  The campground hosts was really nice and helpful.  Went to Radio Shack for remote control and Walmart for more supplies.
Danny really enjoyed sitting outside and watching the squirrels and chipmunks at this campground.
Me bored yes!
October 6th,7th,8th, 9th Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat