Sunday, November 28, 2010

Anastasia State Park St Augustine FL

Sunday  November 28  We drove 50 miles to the next destination (we now have phone and internet service) After setting we walked to the beach and checked out the gift shop getting ice cream bars yummy.  The sand here is not as white but still so pretty and enjoyed our walk listening to the sound and watching the surf. Campground is so cool we paid for another night right away. $30 a night but these sites are so cool Palm trees and private close to the beach, clean even if they are dirt surface.  Made a trip to town to see the Christmas lights.  Wow 2,000,000 tiny white lights I believe it.
Monday November 29  Busy day, after breakfast and taking care of the puppies we headed for a day of sightseeing, First the Lighthouse, quite a site and not far from the campgrounds on to town to the CROSS and cemetary. By the time we had finished with that tour I was so Cold we headed out for Kmart to get some long pants and long sleeve shirt, Much better then decided we would check out the trolley train tours.  That's the way to go. $20 each and we can do the tour get free parking and rides for 3 days.  Old town was really neat to walk around in, had lunch at Cruisin,  great burgers. Prices were not to bad. Wish I had waited to get my pants and shirts, cheaper and logo.  Headed home at 4 to take care of the puppies planning on a return trip tonight for light tour but Danny drank just a little to much wine.  Tomorrow's another day. (Reserved another day but had to move to another site, this one is already booked for the next week)
Tuesday Checked out the Alligator Farm.  Kind of neat, albino alligator, lots of babies and some large ones, tropical birds and snakes.Then back to the campground to pack up and move to Site # 48, not as many people here farther away from beach access.  Venturing to town. Back on the trolley train for trip to San Sebastian Winery for wine tasting and tour.  Liked the Rose (Florida Muscadines) then on to the Fort for a little site seeing, Danny's foot was really hurting today so made short day of it.

Salt Springs Recreation Campground

Tuesday November 23, found this campground with 8 sites available for walk in. Took off down I75 towards Ocala trying to get there before they were gone.  Only Federal or State Park with available sites in the area.  5 left when we got there.  Large clean sites far from civilization with no phone or internet service.  Closest town 25 miles.  60 miles from Deland.  Thought about staying here for the winter but just to far from anything and lack of phone access plus it still gets cold here :)  Lots of folks winter here very reasonable rates just $16 a night (cheaper by the month?) for lot, water, sewer and electric can't beat it.
Wednesday November 24, Went to Deland to Walmart and to find (Dan's folks) Dee and Griff's home.  Met some nice neighbors  Tim and Paula on their way to a winter home in Seminole.  Denny and Carol who were staying in this campground for the winter.  Checked out the Springs, No Manatees yet Not cold enough they come to the Springs when the ocean water get colder The springs are always 72' year round
Thursday November 25, Campground had pot luck dinner at the recreation barn they furnished the turkey and gravy and everyone brought a dish but we went to Dan's folks for Thanksgiving dinner with Dan, Paige,Dee, Griff, Rob, Mark, Geico,Larry and 3 dogs.  Wonderful food and company, Griff is a great cook.  I got really sick. Almost passed out and threw up all my lunch. Very weak. Blood pressure bottomed out I guess. Didn't take my medicine. Really scared
Friday November 26  Left to find signal for phone to call Dan and then to Walmart in Palacka to try and find tire for camper,no luck and pick up some supplies for a Thanksgiving dinner.  Used left over rotesserie chicken, made gravy, mashed taters, stuffing, cranberries "and" pumpkin pie shared with our neighbors and enjoyed a little visiting
Saturday November 27 Back to Deland to do a little garage saling and help Dan celebrate his birthday. Griff fixed BQ lunch for us all. Wow the cheesecake and brownies were to die for.  Got a cast iron skillet at the flea market and enjoyed the gardens of a lady having a garage sale. (she shared starts of some very nice hibiscus)
Sunday found us getting ready for our move to St Augustine. Enjoyed a final visit with friends over gravy and biscuits. Got our pictures of the Springs. Thank goodness we didn't forget.

Suwannee State Campground

Monday, November 22 decided to take our chances and try to find another campsite on down the road. Planned on going 170 miles to one in Georgia but kept on trucking to Suwannee Campgound off I10 near I
towards Ocala.  Not a good park small sites, nearly full, dirty. Only one nite available they were booked with families for Thanksgiving. Dump station unable to access. Trash dumpster at far end of campground. $33

Friday, November 19, 2010

Fort Pickens Gulf Breeze Florida

Friday, November 19   Made the trip to Florida today leaving Waveland and Bay St Louis down Hwy 90 crossing a huge bridge ove Bay St Louis continuing to Gulfport and Biloxi where the 4 lane divided highway was right beside a newly restored beach front.  Beautiful but no dogs allowed on the beach so we couldn't walk. Stayed on Hwy 90 almost to Mobile Alabama (where we took the tunnel under the city)  then I10 to Pensacola south the the National Park ($10) on the island.  TomTom really got us lost on this one.  Went to the bridge on  the farthest eastern end of the island and traveled all the way back to the west end past where the toll bridge comes over from Pensacola.  About 60 miles out of the way.  (Do we have enough gas to get out of here?)Was a really unique road with water on both sides of the road some areas were wide enough for a house on each side some parts were to narrow.  Really really white sand, looked like snow.  Mostly beach homes but some high rise condos too. So tired when we got here.  We just parked and set up.  Saw an armidillo up close and personal.
Saturday, November 20  Explored our new campground.  Found some nature trails and the wonderful pure white sand beach.  Most beautiful beach I've ever seen.  Walked the beach, gave dogs baths, Danny changed a tire that was showing some major wear. Decided to stay another day. So warm and sunny. Couldn't ask for more
Sunday November 21  Made a trip to town for supplies at Walmart and gas for the truck, Nice clean beach town with lots of shops and restaurants.   Danny washed the truck and camper, put out the carpet and chairs for a relaxing day. Walked the beach some more and checked out The real Fort Pickens.  An old fort created in the 1800's by slave labor and some of it still standing today. Met some folks from Kentucky, The campground filled up lots of large motor homes, trailers with bikes.  Made us wish for our bike.  Danny's thinking small motorhome maybe so he can pull trailer with bike :)

Silver Slipper Casino Waveland Mississippi

Wednesday November 17  found us on the road again. Wasn't looking forward to the trip since the roads in Louisana hadn't been very good to this point.  Bounced all the way down I49 and Hwy 90 to the last campground.  Well surprise surprise Hwy 90 going north is not so bad and I10 going east is pretty darn good.  Very interesting trip 20 mile bridge in one point. Lots of elevated highways over swamp country. Wreck on I12 meant we stayed on I10 to the south and through New Orleans. Crossed Lake P          that was so large it looked like the ocean.  Several large bridges some arched for boat access over bays and inland water ways. First night at the campground was free for signing up for a players card also received 1/2 off buffet, free drinks, $5 play money and a deck of cards each. Of course we had to try our luck a little bit.  Second night was $37.50 but worth it. Our site was right on the Gulf waters, white sands enjoyed walking with the dogs.  Nice campgrounds and neighbors. small with security guard. Construction on the road and in the area because of Katrina. Still searching for tar balls from the BP oil spill. 
Thursday November 18th we relaxed and the drove down the beach road the water was right next to the road but the road was still under contruction. Looks like most the homes had been destroyed by the Hurricane but were being rebuilt bigger and better than ever.  Went back through Bay St Louis and explored Old Town then asked mailwomen where the Walmart was.  In Waveland :)  Found the Dollar Tree too for more supplies then back to the camper.  Walked a little more and Danny visited with the neighbors across the way.  Started packing up for the move tomorrow.

Monday, November 15, 2010

KOC Campground New Iberia LA

Monday ,  November 15 Traveled only a few miles from Ville Platte to New Iberia.  I49 to Hwy 90.  Thought we were going to beat the truck and camper to death.  Concrete roads were so bad trying to get here. We almost gave up but we made it :). Met some folks( here working in the underground mines)  seems most work somewhere some newer units and lots of older ones and llots of folks live here for extended periods.  Daily rate $25  Monthly Rate $400.  Lots of difference. Nice park, Internet, Cable, Laundry, Pool, Pond convenient to some touristy things. The couple that run it are really nice.  Visited the Rice Mill today.  Nicest lady ( her daughter lives in Charlotte) worked there helped us find place to eat and another attraction.  Went to Walmart for supplies. Meat on top salad for supper. Last of the ice cream.  Rain again tonight.  Beautiful sunshiny day 80'
Tuesday November 16 a little cooler at 70'  took care of the laundry and a big omelet breakfast then off for a little tourist action. Visited Avery Island, Tabasco factory tour trying out the different products, sauces, boudin sausages, crawfish corn and rice dish and Jungle Gardens, pretty cool Gardens was a truck ride through which made it easier on Danny.  Then back to campgrounds for jackets and pills for Danny on to town to the Farmers Market (wrong time of the year :)  More walking gardens and a house tour followed at Rip Van Winkle Plantation. The tale of days gone by was amazing. Drilling caused a giant hole that sucked in seveal acres of land, home, buildings. This home was built by an excellent actor Joseph Jefferson back in the 1800's
Met a couple of interesting people today. A man at the laundry who is spending a month in each state traveling in a pickup with a 5th wheel by himself told us of a nice state park near New Orleans. He is a retired school superintendent.  A couple at the Jefferson gardens from Lake Charles LA gave us advice on campgrounds to stay at. Made pita pizza for supper, Danny is so hungry for Jeff's pizza.   Tomorrow we leave for next campsite.

Chicot State Park Ville Platte LA

Sunday November 14 found us in Louisana, Nice Welcome Center at the State Line then no other rest areas. Stopped for gas and grabbed a bite to eat, walking the dogs in the grassy area behind McDonalds.  Arrived about 2 pm after a small detour courtesy of Tom Tom. $22 a little much for this primitive park.  Narrow dirt roads and sites unlevel and small. Our site was so isolated not a soul in site.  We did enjoy walking around the area since the roads were up and down hills.  The worst campgrounds so far.  Didn't even unhook from truck knowing we would leave in the morning hopefully for somewhere nicer. Spent more time trying to decide where to go next, most all night, had decided to go on to Mississippi then I was reading some blogs on and saw where someone had stayed in Lafayette and had a good time.  Looking for some touristy things to do.  These campsites are all beginning to look alike Great supper  grilled pork chops, carrots, green beans, brown rice and garlic bread.  Rice Krispies and Braum ice cream for dessert.  Lafayette or on to the Casinos in Mississippi??

Friday, November 12, 2010

Lake O The Pines Johnson Creek Campgrounds

Thursday November 11,12,13 found us driving south into Texas. I30 east to Jefferson, Spending 3 days at this campground. Corp of Engineers lake, really nice host shared some info on these camps. (You don't have to make a reservation, they have to have a certain # of site available for drive ins) Really nice lake and campground clean, paved sites with boat access and swimming area. 80 degrees Friday then 60 on Saturday. Went to Jefferson for groceries.  Small store big prices Ouch! Reminder  do not shop small town grocery stores. Danny was a happy camper found wine in the grocery stores here. Sausage gravy biscuits for breakfast and Steaks for supper on Friday. Yum!  I tried the campground shower for the first time. Going back to camper shower.  Kinda cold water and no privacy, laid my clothes in the wrong place too.  They got a shower too. Saturday, pancakes and turkey bacon for breakfast, BQ steak sandwiches for supper,stayed in the camper most all day searched the computer to figure out which way to travel from here south through Texas or into Louisana traveling either east or south from Shreveport.  Kinda cold all day and rainy that evening. Headed out to Louisana tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lake Murray Ardmore Oklahoma

Tuesday November 9,10 left Haysville this morning about 8:30 after enjoying donuts with Keith and Peggee. They came out to see us off baring gifts (donuts) Yum! Arrived in Ardmore about 3pm a little detour down the wrong 77S. :)  Seems like we get lost every time looking for these campgrounds. Really nice here. Great lake, wooded sites, utility room for laundry and bathhouse nearby. Highest cost so far  $18 a night also the nicest, very clean and the wind has finally laid down after blowing all day from the south, gas mileage :(  Stopped at Braums to get some ice cream and grabbed some burgers on the way.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Haysville Kansas

November 3 Wednesday, moved the camper to Gail and John's driveway.Rachael was here with Bentley so got to play with him 4 months old and 8.5 #  still so tiny and so good. Never crys, smiles and a doll all way round. Kelly came by to see her grandson too. Carol,Sonda, Peggy, Kristen, Bryan, Kim,Josiah,Paul and his son joined us too for potato soup lunch. Bonfire and steaks supper for us, Gail, John, Peggee and Keith.  So good cooked over an open fire. Enjoyed sitting by the fire visiting for awhile afterwards.

November 4 Thursday,Bryan, Allan,2 boys, Peggee, Kristen,Kelly, Rachael, Bentley,Carol joined us for lunch Kim brought out fixings for taco salad and chicken and noodles for supper.  Went to estate sale up near Douglas and Rock Road. Lots of stuff but didn't buy anything 6 of us rode in John's truck.  Didn't have supper, Gail needed to get some sleep didn't want to wake her..  Noodles for lunch tomorrow Keith was ill so couldn't join us for supper that evening. Peggee took some noodles home to him.

November 5 Friday,Rested in the am waiting for Gail to get off work and finish shopping for baby shower on Saturday.  Leroy, Sammy came by for awhile this afternoon, Jerry surprised us with a visit. Danny and I made a trip to Aldi's for hotdogs to have a bonfire and cook out this evening. Jerry came back out and Henry joined us. Keith, Peggee, Carol,Kim, Josiah,Uncle John,Sonda,me, Danny,Kirk, Wanda, Mia, Karla, John and Gail.  Carol brought me a bed buddy to keep warm, Gail loaned me some tights and 2 blankets to wrap up in. boy it turned off cold up here!!

November 6 Saturday, made a trip to Petco for dog food and more garage sales with Gail. Gathered with all the girls t visit before the baby shower for Blake's baby  Jasper.  Held Bentley for a long while such a sweet baby. Danny gave Precious a bath and I gave Misty a bath while everyone was gone and caught up on a little reading. Was hoping Holly's would make it by to see me.  Danny made a beef stew. Chris, Kyle, Cody,Kylie, Bruce, Eric, Peggee, Keith, Carol,all joined us for supper. Cody played the guitar and sang for us. He sure inherited grandma's music talent. Chris brought some chicken burritos, fudge crackers and peanut butter fudge Yum!

November 7 Sunday Henry and Paul dropped by on their way to the Toy Run bringing us some of Henry's famous beef stew. Called Holly and Jean asking for visits.  Jean and Ed made it by to see us for awhile in the afternoon.  Bruce came be for a little bit. Peggy, Keith, Carol and Kristen were here and we went to Kristen to see her home and dog Gracie. Carol's friend Sherry was able to come for awhile. Stuffed Potatoes and Chile on the menu for supper.

November 8 Monday, Peggee joined us for breakfast with Gail and John, Biscuits, Gravy and Taters. Went to Walmart for $1 shirts. Ate hot dogs for lunch then walk at the park. Visited Peggee's home to see Max and Sadie. Keith took us all at to supper at a fish restaurant that just opened in Haysville, Peggee baked pumpkin and apple pies for dessert.